Saturday, May 23, 2020

Essay on A Stable Economy is the Foundation of a Country

The Economy is the foundation that either makes a nation such as, the United States of America have a solid ground, with strong reinforcement which is a great way to keep us thriving. Or, it can be just the opposite of that something that can break us. But really what makes the economy the way it is? It can be the Government, the people, or something that magically seems to appear. Every aspect takes part into making the economy great or poor. But where does it start, simply put, it starts with us, the people. We managed to produce a great economy from the beginning of time when the world had a new face to finance and resources. But, now as stats and graphs show the economy change over time actually changes for the worst. We see the†¦show more content†¦With people being our secondary topic in the world of understanding the economy. We are a great example because, our population increases every single day by the thousands, and as we grow in the numbers the time shortens on h ow many more people will be become of our nation. Seen as the â€Å"hockey stick effect† by Chris Martenson (ch.3) Deriving off of our fast pacing growth we need to be aware that we may have a fixed set of resources, extra persons equal more oil and land to be ruined to accommodate our every changing economy which puts out a burden on what we are doing to our water and the animals. In Chapter five, of Chris Martensons video series he talks about â€Å"growth and prosperity† and how they don’t equal or balance off each other but instead they balance of surplus. In lament terms growth is more of a product that supports what you deposit is what will become deposited for you. What you can and will give will be what you ultimately receive return, by investing, and this has much to do with money, even though it shows people take their money in high regards, whether they have a little or a lot not to many people are willing to give up their beloved green. Because as C hris Martenson states â€Å"money is a claim on human labor† (Ch. 6) The average American works hard for their money and many, mainly middle class, has to decide if they would rather try to keep a safe comfortable living situation for their family orShow MoreRelatedHow Companies Maximize Profits1591 Words   |  6 Pagestrade cycles, general price level, employment and income, economic growth, and supply and demand. Economics consists of macroeconomics and microeconomics. The former analyses national economy and offers knowledge about the business environment (Samuelson Nordhaus 2010, p.5). Macroeconomics centres on the overall economy rather than the fine specifics (Arnold 2011, p.). 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