Tuesday, February 18, 2020

If you were a victim of crime, what services would you expect to Essay

If you were a victim of crime, what services would you expect to receive Should you be given financial compensation Offender - Essay Example A crime can be of various dimensions, ranging from physical abuse, physical and mental violence, to crimes against property. Considering the fact that numerous types of criminal acts fall under these categories mentioned above, the victims of crimes also vary with regard to the extent and kind of criminal act they were exposed to or witness to. The kind of services that are offered to victims of crime vary from one place to another, or in other words, the services offered to victims of crime are related to the legal and institutional practices associated with the territory inhabited by the crime victim. For instance, in the USA, the services offered would differ one state to the other. Also, the compensation packages that are offered to crime victims vary with regard to the nature of crime perpetrated upon them along with the variation in laws from state to state. 2 Since the experience of having been victim to a crime leaves behind stress and trauma which differs according to the ty pe of crime one has been victim to, the level and kinds of services required also differ. For instance, the victim of domestic abuse will need a lot of emotional counseling as will the victim of rape. However, the victim of property theft may require insurance assistance.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Best ERP Systems Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Best ERP Systems - Research Paper Example Additionally, the ERP can also include other applications for the finance and human resources areas of an organization. Normally, a relational database system is used or integrated with an ERP system. Moreover, the implementation of an ERP system can engage substantial business process analysis, workers retraining, and new work processes (Brislen & Krishnakumar, 2000; Creative Chaos (Pvt.) Ltd., 2012). This research is aimed at selecting a most excellent ERP solution for the business corporation. In this scenario, an ERP system will be chosen from world top ten ERP solutions. World Top Ten ERP Systems Given below is a list of world 10 best ERP systems: (Shaul, 2011) SAP Oracle Microsoft Infor IFS Abas Epicor Syspro Plex Sage Selection of Best ERP System I have conducted a detailed research to determine the best ERP option. For the selection of an ERP I considered their capabilities and business facilities. In this scenario, I found SAP ERP as the world leading and most excellent solu tion for the business and corporate operational management (Daneva, 1999). In past few years, SAP R/3 technology based system has turned out to be one of the best options for many business organizations that have boarded on business procedure optimization. The majority of them have made the selection of SAP R/3 enterprise resource planning package for the reason that SAP has attained the instant profits which resulted from the full software reprocess. Since its establishment in 1972, SAP has developed as well as productively upheld the communications of procedures, people and tools for clients to reuse. In addition, SAP has always carried out the systematic and logical software reprocess strategy. However, it initially prepared the reuse practice as an integral part of the R/3 Configure-to-Order cycle and started reusing effectively and efficiently. Therefore, in 1992, due to the rising influence of venture modeling architectures, methodologies for integrated IT, and business engine ering tools, SAP R/3 requirements recycle turned out to be the major stream. In addition, to attain these elevated altitudes of reuse; SAP has designed and implemented the R/3 Reference Model, which is a wide-ranging ERP architectural justification of the FU3 System contained 4 visions: (Daneva, 1999) Business process view Function view Data view Organizational view Sap ERP Capabilities The ERP SAP system provides the facilities of centralized data storage and communication. This system provides an excellent support for data handling, planning and management. Hence, the ERP SAP implementation at an organization brings numerous benefits such as better administration and planning of organizational business. SAP services provide the organizations with trouble-free technical capabilities for dispersed systems with functionality that wraps every main feature of advanced operation, process, and permanent development (SAP1, 2012; SAP2, 2012; SAP3, 2012; SAP4, 2012; SAP5, 2012). In addition , SAP ERP technology offers a centralized data storage that is responsible for managing and organizing the management operations, ERP SAP services tools and components to augment the dependability of organizational solutions