Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Debate For Democracy During The Middle East - 1013 Words

In the debate for democracy in the middle east, many scholars suggest that Islamists are the main obstacle to overcome. By the last decade, Islamist parties and candidates have engaged in elections throughout in about eight Arab countries with almost modest results. Thus, Islamist may have a heavy degree of support among most of the consitunets who agree with anti-regime sentiments. At the same time, ruling elites also give overwhelming support to maintain security and other privileges. There are regimes in which elites claim Islam as a basis for the regime while excluding all other islamist groups from political participation. For Instance, The king in Saudi Arabi is the leader, the imam of the Saudi-Wahabi community, and subordinate only to the shari’a. This is an institutional challenge that these regions face, and need to comprehend in order to have a smooth democratic transition. Some islamist groups still persist, with making domestic conflict within society, like the Muslim Brotherhood. Another variable that may contribute to instutuinal challenges to democratize, is the overarching existence of a credible threat. Given the essence surrounding the Arab-Israel conflict within the regions, some researchers have suggested the force of the regions authoritarianism to the threat posed by Israel and its Arab neighbors with large military forces. Certain researchers who do agree with this explanation forget to account for the fact that for the different robustness of ArabShow MoreRelatedReanalyze the Relationship of the West and Islamic Civilization Future1142 Words   |  5 Pagesthesis has been in center of debates for many years. Moreover, his prediction that main conflicts in near future is between the West (the United States and allies) versus Islamic Civilization has triggered controversy among International Relations scholars. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Essay on The current war in Afghanistan and why it must end

War has been one of the most constant occurrences in Americas history. According to the Congressional Research Service [1], US armed forces have been offensively deployed for all but 24 of the last 213 years. Yet, of these engagements, no war has lasted longer than the current war in Afghanistan. The length of this commitment has not matched the results. Conventional American forces must be withdrawn from Afghanistan because they are only exacerbating the problem, and the fight with the Taliban isnt going anywhere. 1,848 servicemen and women have sacrificed their lives for this country in Afghanistan; more than 2,300 have been injured. Over 90,000 US military personnel are still on the ground there [2]. The war has so far cost over $480†¦show more content†¦Most recently, on April 10th, the top US and NATO commander, Gen. David Petraeus, told reporters that, There is no question that al-Qaeda has had a presence in Afghanistan and continues to have a presence - generally assessed at less than 100 or so. [5] The goal of our deployment in Afghanistan that has been repeatedly announced by the White House and the Pentagon is to prevent a return to power of the Taliban and with it the restoration of a safe-haven for al-Qaeda. Shortly after he took office, President Barack Obama announced a â€Å"surge† of more than 30,000 fresh troops into Afghanistan. In making the announcement he set clear objectives, which he reiterated in his June 22nd speech to the nation: â€Å"To refocus on al-Qaeda; reverse the Talibans momentum; and train Afghan Security Forces to defend their own country.† [6] The first piece of that, as Gen. Petraeus and others repeatedly admit, has been secured. Thus our presence, according to the commander-in-chief, is designed to â€Å"reverse the Taliban’s momentum† and to train Afghan forces to maintain that fight against the Taliban. In this regard, our presence in Afghanistan does us no good anymore – we gain no advantage from being there. As the former British Ambassador to Afghanistan, Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles, told the Guardian, â€Å"for every dead Pashtun warrior, there will be 10 pledged to revenge.† [7] Killing Taliban fighters is pointless. Even though we have increased theShow MoreRelatedIs The Loyalty Toward His Own Country?886 Words   |  4 PagesDuring this time, he had involve actively in Falkland War, the Balkans War in Bosnia and also in Afghanistan and Iraq. Since he had a lot of experience in battlefield, he knows well the full horror of war. As a loyal citizen, he should accept the offer from XYZ to create a new radar but there is an obstacle that make him think twice. The thing is his feeling toward UK’s military. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Stop Bullying free essay sample

Stop Bullying! What defines bullying? What makes it so wrong and how can we minimize the outcome of it. Schools can do so much to stop buylling happening right in front of there eyes. Why is it not being recognized like it should to finally put a stop to it all? Schools should enforce no bullying policy. Any student who commits cyber or verbal bullying should be suspended from school. Schools should talk to there students about bullying and explain to them why its wrong. I mean come on students arent dumb they no its wrong. But how to stop it from happening it the main concern for high schools to bring down suicide rates and drop out rates. It is important for students who commit cyber bullying to be suspended from school and to be blocked off the site from where they committed the crime. Not only is it emotional for the students that the cyber bullying was committed but it is also a emotional process to go threw. We will write a custom essay sample on Stop Bullying or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For someone who cyber bullies is just going to do it again and again getting away with it every time. This will take a stand to all kids who get bullied online to put a end to it all. It is becoming more of a issue among teens and the school should take this into consideration on how to stop it from happening. If students were to know it they were to get caught bullying someone else then they would be suspended. It would be a tactic to minimize bullying cyber and verbal. Have students form groups to make a pact to stop bullying. For students to know how badly it can affect another student and to what extremes it can go to, from depression to even suicide. Who are we in this world to bully another for what there skin color is or how they dress. If we know its wrong then why do we allow students to keep getting away with it? How many lives is it going to take for us to make a stand and say no more. I went to my local high school and walked around for about a hour and just observed. Now in just that hour I saw 3 kids talking trash about others and 5 actually doing it in front of the person. What probably made me upset the most is how some students saw this happening and didn’t say anything while others looked shocked but kept there words to themselves. Now as I could see there were teachers around but weren’t close enough to hear what was going on. Another altercation I witnessed a teacher did hear and see what was happening. All that teacher did was say to go to class and stop. Now is that really enough? Will that stop that student from bullying others in the future? Not likely. The school needs to take in affect how it can affect a students life who is being bullied all the time. They could drop out, commit suicide or even hurt others. Is that what the school is willing to risk, when they could try to put a stop to it all by punishing the ones who are committing the bullying. Is that not only fair? Why should the whole school suffer just from the wrongs of a few others? As far as im concerned school needs to put a stop to bullying. Not only would it benefit the school with less drop out rates but could also save someone’s future or life. To all students in high school don’t be a bully. Stand up and put a stop to it, if you see it help others and defend your peers. To students who are the bully need punishment to know if they continue they will be suspended from school. Parents and school faculty need to get together and pass this agreement with the school board. This issue needs to be addressed and dealt with. For how many futures and lives are we going to put at risk for something we could have done to stop it. Its time to take a stand for everyone who has been bullied or will be bullied in the future. Schools will put a stop to this and put a end to kids bullying others. If a few schools who decided to put a stop to bullying wont others see that and follow there lead? This isint something your just doing for you school, but for all the kids who have to be in fear knowing there gonna be bullied day by day. Lets put a stop to this, lets tell them hey no need to be scared. Let the kids who are being bullied enjoy school like any other student. This will be a start to a new beginning, a new hope to others and a ending to constant fear.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Macbeth Diary Entries free essay sample

I am weary and suspective of Macbeth as he questions much of my movement with Fleance that afternoon. I really feel something amiss. Maybe it is just Macbeths insecurity for all i know. It is late and Fleance is waiting for me in the woods. I must go now. Macbeth and I just had just came back from a battle. A great one indeed. We had came ashore and were proceeding back to Forres when we came upon this desserted and gloomy heath where we were most shcoked to be greeted by three witches that had long beards strecthing from their ragged cloaks. I was uncertain what gender they were, but i knew something was wrong. At first sight, the three creatures greeted Macbeth Thane of Glamis. They then started chanting prophesis that concerned Macbeth and me. The first witch chanted,All hail,Macbeth! Hail to thee,Thane of Glamis followed by the next All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee,Thane of Cawdor and the last of which chanted All hail, Macbeth ,that shalt be king hereafter! Hail they chanted three times together and continued prophesising. We will write a custom essay sample on Macbeth Diary Entries or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Lesser then Macbeth, and greater. the first witch chanted. Continued the second Not so happy, yet much happier. Thou shalt get kings ,though thou be none So all hail, Macbeth and Banquo. Chanted the last of witch. I was overwhelmed by suspision when i heard those prophesies whilst Macbeth was, I should say rather engrosed and interested in their prophesies. Macbeth wanted them to stay but in a blink of an eye, they suddenly disappeared into thin air. Macbeth was furious. Stay you imperfect speakers, tell me moreMacbeth Was truely interested in these creatures prophesy, but i just got a bad feeling about this. Dear Diary, The news my cousin brought filled me with an unimaginable grief. My family, brought to the graves by such feeble means, so defenceless and alone while I was off in England arguing with Malcolm about my loyalty, which how dare he question it! Only a monster would kill innocent children and women, there was no reason for it! How can they live with themselves? As I write I am miles away from Fife for how could I stay when that atrocity happened in the place where I would have rested? I can never forgive myself for what happened that day, that fateful day which has brought me nothing but pain. I lay in my bed last night feeling alone and confused. My thoughts were in flux; I had ranged between crushing, overwhelming depression, during which I had shed countless tears onto my blankets, and anger so volatile I got up to put on my armour and immediately head to Fife (thrice), in hopes of catching the perpetrator only to remember my family, take off my armour, and lay back down. My wife would not have liked me to be dwelling on avenging their deaths but it is the only thing my mind has been set on. I have thought of killing myself, taking away the pain but I cannot do that! What would people think? I have no heir to my title or wealth, they would think I killed my family myself! Then I think of that assassin and him off gallivanting killing more innocent people and breaking other peoples hearts and I know hes got to be finished. If I ever find out who has killed my loved ones, I will be the death of them or they be the death of me. Macduff I am writing this entry, sitting at a desk in Scone. I have recently witnessed my dear friend Macbeth crowned King of Scotland. I am still in shock after the strange happenings of the past few days, so I am not yet overcome with neither joy nor grief. I should be happy for Macbeth, yet I feel that something inside me will not allow me to be so. These events, I fear, have not happened by chance, but that something evil, something supernatural is at work. Macbeth and I felt immense pride, on that fateful day as we rode, victorious, over the moor. We had just defeated the ghastly Norwegians, though by uncivilized means. Macbeth rightly said So foul; and fair a day I have not seen. Not far into our journey, we came upon three weird sisters. They all hailed Macbeth Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and king hereafter. True, he was Thane of Glamis, but we were puzzled, to say the least, about the other two statements. As I was intrigued, I questioned them about my future. In reply, they told me that my sons would me kings, and that I would be Lesser than Macbeth, and greater. This confuses me greatly, for had they not just said that Macbeth would be king? Of course, I chose not to believe these instruments of darkness. Amazingly, minutes after the sisters had vanished, Macbeth was announced Thane of Cawdor. We were both quite taken aback, for the beings had foretold that very thing. I think our minds both raced towards the third prediction, All hail Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter! I believe that Macbeth began to think about how to make the third prophecy a reality. We spoke no more about it. Surprisingly, Malcolm was named Duncans successor, though Macbeth was firm favourite in my mind, at least.