Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Debate For Democracy During The Middle East - 1013 Words

In the debate for democracy in the middle east, many scholars suggest that Islamists are the main obstacle to overcome. By the last decade, Islamist parties and candidates have engaged in elections throughout in about eight Arab countries with almost modest results. Thus, Islamist may have a heavy degree of support among most of the consitunets who agree with anti-regime sentiments. At the same time, ruling elites also give overwhelming support to maintain security and other privileges. There are regimes in which elites claim Islam as a basis for the regime while excluding all other islamist groups from political participation. For Instance, The king in Saudi Arabi is the leader, the imam of the Saudi-Wahabi community, and subordinate only to the shari’a. This is an institutional challenge that these regions face, and need to comprehend in order to have a smooth democratic transition. Some islamist groups still persist, with making domestic conflict within society, like the Muslim Brotherhood. Another variable that may contribute to instutuinal challenges to democratize, is the overarching existence of a credible threat. Given the essence surrounding the Arab-Israel conflict within the regions, some researchers have suggested the force of the regions authoritarianism to the threat posed by Israel and its Arab neighbors with large military forces. Certain researchers who do agree with this explanation forget to account for the fact that for the different robustness of ArabShow MoreRelatedReanalyze the Relationship of the West and Islamic Civilization Future1142 Words   |  5 Pagesthesis has been in center of debates for many years. Moreover, his prediction that main conflicts in near future is between the West (the United States and allies) versus Islamic Civilization has triggered controversy among International Relations scholars. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Essay on The current war in Afghanistan and why it must end

War has been one of the most constant occurrences in Americas history. According to the Congressional Research Service [1], US armed forces have been offensively deployed for all but 24 of the last 213 years. Yet, of these engagements, no war has lasted longer than the current war in Afghanistan. The length of this commitment has not matched the results. Conventional American forces must be withdrawn from Afghanistan because they are only exacerbating the problem, and the fight with the Taliban isnt going anywhere. 1,848 servicemen and women have sacrificed their lives for this country in Afghanistan; more than 2,300 have been injured. Over 90,000 US military personnel are still on the ground there [2]. The war has so far cost over $480†¦show more content†¦Most recently, on April 10th, the top US and NATO commander, Gen. David Petraeus, told reporters that, There is no question that al-Qaeda has had a presence in Afghanistan and continues to have a presence - generally assessed at less than 100 or so. [5] The goal of our deployment in Afghanistan that has been repeatedly announced by the White House and the Pentagon is to prevent a return to power of the Taliban and with it the restoration of a safe-haven for al-Qaeda. Shortly after he took office, President Barack Obama announced a â€Å"surge† of more than 30,000 fresh troops into Afghanistan. In making the announcement he set clear objectives, which he reiterated in his June 22nd speech to the nation: â€Å"To refocus on al-Qaeda; reverse the Talibans momentum; and train Afghan Security Forces to defend their own country.† [6] The first piece of that, as Gen. Petraeus and others repeatedly admit, has been secured. Thus our presence, according to the commander-in-chief, is designed to â€Å"reverse the Taliban’s momentum† and to train Afghan forces to maintain that fight against the Taliban. In this regard, our presence in Afghanistan does us no good anymore – we gain no advantage from being there. As the former British Ambassador to Afghanistan, Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles, told the Guardian, â€Å"for every dead Pashtun warrior, there will be 10 pledged to revenge.† [7] Killing Taliban fighters is pointless. Even though we have increased theShow MoreRelatedIs The Loyalty Toward His Own Country?886 Words   |  4 PagesDuring this time, he had involve actively in Falkland War, the Balkans War in Bosnia and also in Afghanistan and Iraq. Since he had a lot of experience in battlefield, he knows well the full horror of war. As a loyal citizen, he should accept the offer from XYZ to create a new radar but there is an obstacle that make him think twice. The thing is his feeling toward UK’s military. 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Throughout the story, Hosseini’s writings depict the abrupt change in conditions experienced by the people of Afghanistan, as the cruel demeanor of this terrorist group’s reignRead More`` Questing For Monsters `` By John Mueller, An American Political Scientist Essay1592 Words   |  7 Pageswhich resulted in the U.S. spending money and troops to fight wars they should have never been involved in. In the Communist invasion of Korea in the summer of 1950, Stalin believed North Korean leader, Kim Il Sung when he said he was â€Å"absolutely certain of success.† However, Stalin made it clear the USSR would not be footing the bill for a war in Korea if Sung was wrong, and he was. Once the United States sided with the South Koreans, the war became a fiasco instead of the quick, easy, and cheap spreadRead MoreEssay On The Federal Budget1072 Words   |  5 Pages77 % of gross domestic product (GDP) making it the highest public debt since World War II. 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Thus in length the hypothesis that is sought to be proved is: Free availability of arms and arming nations that are troubled willRead MoreAfghanistan s Geography : Afghanistan1527 Words   |  7 PagesAfghanistan’s Geography: Afghanistan is a country that is rich in history and war. Going back to early human civilization, many empires resided in this country. This country’s history is so vast some experts say that the relics and artifacts are just a grand as the artifacts from Egypt. â€Å"Lying along important trade routes connecting southern and eastern Asia to Europe and the Middle East, Afghanistan has long been a prize sought by empire builders, and for millennia great armies have attempted toRead MoreCause Of Terrorism1005 Words   |  5 PagesTerrorism has become a much more relevant occurrence in the 21st century. Although there is no one exact cause of these radical actions, it is certain that it revolves around the human brain in a psychological manner. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Stop Bullying free essay sample

Stop Bullying! What defines bullying? What makes it so wrong and how can we minimize the outcome of it. Schools can do so much to stop buylling happening right in front of there eyes. Why is it not being recognized like it should to finally put a stop to it all? Schools should enforce no bullying policy. Any student who commits cyber or verbal bullying should be suspended from school. Schools should talk to there students about bullying and explain to them why its wrong. I mean come on students arent dumb they no its wrong. But how to stop it from happening it the main concern for high schools to bring down suicide rates and drop out rates. It is important for students who commit cyber bullying to be suspended from school and to be blocked off the site from where they committed the crime. Not only is it emotional for the students that the cyber bullying was committed but it is also a emotional process to go threw. We will write a custom essay sample on Stop Bullying or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For someone who cyber bullies is just going to do it again and again getting away with it every time. This will take a stand to all kids who get bullied online to put a end to it all. It is becoming more of a issue among teens and the school should take this into consideration on how to stop it from happening. If students were to know it they were to get caught bullying someone else then they would be suspended. It would be a tactic to minimize bullying cyber and verbal. Have students form groups to make a pact to stop bullying. For students to know how badly it can affect another student and to what extremes it can go to, from depression to even suicide. Who are we in this world to bully another for what there skin color is or how they dress. If we know its wrong then why do we allow students to keep getting away with it? How many lives is it going to take for us to make a stand and say no more. I went to my local high school and walked around for about a hour and just observed. Now in just that hour I saw 3 kids talking trash about others and 5 actually doing it in front of the person. What probably made me upset the most is how some students saw this happening and didn’t say anything while others looked shocked but kept there words to themselves. Now as I could see there were teachers around but weren’t close enough to hear what was going on. Another altercation I witnessed a teacher did hear and see what was happening. All that teacher did was say to go to class and stop. Now is that really enough? Will that stop that student from bullying others in the future? Not likely. The school needs to take in affect how it can affect a students life who is being bullied all the time. They could drop out, commit suicide or even hurt others. Is that what the school is willing to risk, when they could try to put a stop to it all by punishing the ones who are committing the bullying. Is that not only fair? Why should the whole school suffer just from the wrongs of a few others? As far as im concerned school needs to put a stop to bullying. Not only would it benefit the school with less drop out rates but could also save someone’s future or life. To all students in high school don’t be a bully. Stand up and put a stop to it, if you see it help others and defend your peers. To students who are the bully need punishment to know if they continue they will be suspended from school. Parents and school faculty need to get together and pass this agreement with the school board. This issue needs to be addressed and dealt with. For how many futures and lives are we going to put at risk for something we could have done to stop it. Its time to take a stand for everyone who has been bullied or will be bullied in the future. Schools will put a stop to this and put a end to kids bullying others. If a few schools who decided to put a stop to bullying wont others see that and follow there lead? This isint something your just doing for you school, but for all the kids who have to be in fear knowing there gonna be bullied day by day. Lets put a stop to this, lets tell them hey no need to be scared. Let the kids who are being bullied enjoy school like any other student. This will be a start to a new beginning, a new hope to others and a ending to constant fear.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Macbeth Diary Entries free essay sample

I am weary and suspective of Macbeth as he questions much of my movement with Fleance that afternoon. I really feel something amiss. Maybe it is just Macbeths insecurity for all i know. It is late and Fleance is waiting for me in the woods. I must go now. Macbeth and I just had just came back from a battle. A great one indeed. We had came ashore and were proceeding back to Forres when we came upon this desserted and gloomy heath where we were most shcoked to be greeted by three witches that had long beards strecthing from their ragged cloaks. I was uncertain what gender they were, but i knew something was wrong. At first sight, the three creatures greeted Macbeth Thane of Glamis. They then started chanting prophesis that concerned Macbeth and me. The first witch chanted,All hail,Macbeth! Hail to thee,Thane of Glamis followed by the next All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee,Thane of Cawdor and the last of which chanted All hail, Macbeth ,that shalt be king hereafter! Hail they chanted three times together and continued prophesising. We will write a custom essay sample on Macbeth Diary Entries or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Lesser then Macbeth, and greater. the first witch chanted. Continued the second Not so happy, yet much happier. Thou shalt get kings ,though thou be none So all hail, Macbeth and Banquo. Chanted the last of witch. I was overwhelmed by suspision when i heard those prophesies whilst Macbeth was, I should say rather engrosed and interested in their prophesies. Macbeth wanted them to stay but in a blink of an eye, they suddenly disappeared into thin air. Macbeth was furious. Stay you imperfect speakers, tell me moreMacbeth Was truely interested in these creatures prophesy, but i just got a bad feeling about this. Dear Diary, The news my cousin brought filled me with an unimaginable grief. My family, brought to the graves by such feeble means, so defenceless and alone while I was off in England arguing with Malcolm about my loyalty, which how dare he question it! Only a monster would kill innocent children and women, there was no reason for it! How can they live with themselves? As I write I am miles away from Fife for how could I stay when that atrocity happened in the place where I would have rested? I can never forgive myself for what happened that day, that fateful day which has brought me nothing but pain. I lay in my bed last night feeling alone and confused. My thoughts were in flux; I had ranged between crushing, overwhelming depression, during which I had shed countless tears onto my blankets, and anger so volatile I got up to put on my armour and immediately head to Fife (thrice), in hopes of catching the perpetrator only to remember my family, take off my armour, and lay back down. My wife would not have liked me to be dwelling on avenging their deaths but it is the only thing my mind has been set on. I have thought of killing myself, taking away the pain but I cannot do that! What would people think? I have no heir to my title or wealth, they would think I killed my family myself! Then I think of that assassin and him off gallivanting killing more innocent people and breaking other peoples hearts and I know hes got to be finished. If I ever find out who has killed my loved ones, I will be the death of them or they be the death of me. Macduff I am writing this entry, sitting at a desk in Scone. I have recently witnessed my dear friend Macbeth crowned King of Scotland. I am still in shock after the strange happenings of the past few days, so I am not yet overcome with neither joy nor grief. I should be happy for Macbeth, yet I feel that something inside me will not allow me to be so. These events, I fear, have not happened by chance, but that something evil, something supernatural is at work. Macbeth and I felt immense pride, on that fateful day as we rode, victorious, over the moor. We had just defeated the ghastly Norwegians, though by uncivilized means. Macbeth rightly said So foul; and fair a day I have not seen. Not far into our journey, we came upon three weird sisters. They all hailed Macbeth Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and king hereafter. True, he was Thane of Glamis, but we were puzzled, to say the least, about the other two statements. As I was intrigued, I questioned them about my future. In reply, they told me that my sons would me kings, and that I would be Lesser than Macbeth, and greater. This confuses me greatly, for had they not just said that Macbeth would be king? Of course, I chose not to believe these instruments of darkness. Amazingly, minutes after the sisters had vanished, Macbeth was announced Thane of Cawdor. We were both quite taken aback, for the beings had foretold that very thing. I think our minds both raced towards the third prediction, All hail Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter! I believe that Macbeth began to think about how to make the third prophecy a reality. We spoke no more about it. Surprisingly, Malcolm was named Duncans successor, though Macbeth was firm favourite in my mind, at least.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Original Bill of Rights Had 12 Amendments, Not 10

The Original Bill of Rights Had 12 Amendments, Not 10 How many amendments are in the Bill of Rights? If you answered ten, you are right. But if you visit the Rotunda for the Charters of Freedom at the National Archives Museum in Washington, DC, you will see that the original copy of the Bill of Rights sent to states for ratification had twelve amendments. Fast Facts The  Bill of Rights is the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution.The Bill of Rights establishes specific restrictions and prohibitions on the powers of the  federal government.The Bill of Rights was created in response to demands from several states for greater constitutional protection for individual liberties already considered  natural rights, such as the rights to speak and worship freely.The Bill of Rights, originally in the form of 12 amendments was submitted to the legislatures of the states for their consideration on September 28, 1789, and was ratified by the required three-fourths (then 11) states in the form of 10 amendments on December 15, 1791. What is the Bill of Rights? The Bill of Rights is actually the popular name for a joint resolution passed by the first U.S. Congress on September 25, 1789. The resolution proposed the first set of amendments to the Constitution. Then as now, the process of amending the Constitution required the resolution to be ratified or approved by at least three-fourths the states. Unlike the ten amendments we know and cherish today as the Bill of Rights, the resolution sent to the states for ratification in 1789 proposed twelve amendments.When the votes of the 11 states were finally counted on December 15, 1791, only the last 10 of the 12 amendments had been ratified. Thus, the original third amendment, establishing freedom of speech, press, assembly, petition, and the right to a fair and speedy trial became todays First Amendment. Imagine 6,000 Members of Congress Rather than establishing rights and freedoms, the first amendment as voted on by the states in the original Bill of Rights proposed a ratio by which to determine the number of people to be represented by each member of the House of Representatives. The original first amendment (not ratified) read: After the first enumeration required by the first article of the Constitution, there shall be one Representative for every thirty thousand, until the number shall amount to one hundred, after which the proportion shall be so regulated by Congress, that there shall be not less than one hundred Representatives, nor less than one Representative for every forty thousand persons, until the number of Representatives shall amount to two hundred; after which the proportion shall be so regulated by Congress, that there shall not be less than two hundred Representatives, nor more than one Representative for every fifty thousand persons. Had the amendment been ratified, the number of members of the House of Representatives could by now be over 6,000, compared to the present 435. As apportioned by the latest  Census, each member of the House currently represents about 650,000 people. The Original Second Amendment was About Money, not Guns The original second amendment as voted on, but rejected by the states in 1789, addressed congressional pay, rather than the right of the people to possess firearms. The original second amendment (not ratified) read: No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened. Though not ratified at the time, the original second amendment finally made its way into the Constitution in 1992, ratified as the 27th Amendment, a full 203 years after it was first proposed. And So the Third Became the First As a result of the failure of the states to ratify the original first and second amendments in 1791, the original third amendment became a part of the Constitution as the First Amendment we cherish today.   Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Background Delegates to the Constitutional Convention in 1787 considered but defeated a proposal to include a bill of rights in the initial version of the Constitution. This resulted in a  heated debate during the ratification process.The Federalists, who supported the Constitution as written, felt a bill of rights was not needed because the Constitution intentionally limited the powers of the federal government to interfere with the rights of the states, most of which had already adopted bills of rights. The Anti-Federalists, who opposed the Constitution, argued in favor of the Bill of Rights, believing that the central government could not exist or function without a clearly established list of rights guaranteed to the people. (See: The Federalist Papers)Some of the states hesitated to ratify the Constitution without a bill of rights. During the ratification process, the people and the state legislatures called for the first Congress serving under the new Constitution in 1789 to consider an d put forward a bill of rights. According to the National Archives, the then 11 states began the process of ratifying the Bill of Rights by holding a referendum, asking its voters to approve or reject each of the 12 proposed amendments. Ratification of any amendment by at least three-quarters of the states meant acceptance of that amendment. Six weeks after receiving the Bill of Rights resolution, North Carolina ratified the Constitution. (North Carolina had resisted ratifying the Constitution because it did not guarantee individual rights.) During this process, Vermont became the first state to join the Union after the Constitution was ratified, and Rhode Island (the lone holdout) also joined. Each state tallied its votes and forwarded the results to Congress. Sources and Further Reference â€Å"The Charters of Freedom: The Bill of Rights.† Washington, DC. National Archives and Records Administration.â€Å"James Madison’s Proposed Amendments to the Constitution, June 8, 1789.† Washington, DC. National Archives and Records Administration.Lloyd, Gordon. â€Å"Introduction to the Constitutional Convention.† Teaching American History.

Friday, November 22, 2019

What Is a College Legacy What If Youre Not a Legacy

What Is a College Legacy What If You're Not a Legacy SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Many high school students are curious about what it means to be a college legacy. Exactly who counts as a legacy? How much does it help you when it comes to admissions? And what if you’re not a legacy?In this article, we discuss what a college legacy is, which top schools favor legacies, and what you should do- regardless of whether or not you’re a legacy! What Is a College Legacy? Overview First off, what exactly is a college legacy? A legacy is someone who is related to an alumnus of a school- usually a child of a graduate. More distant relations (such as aunts, uncles, and cousins) rarely count. Grandparents sometimes, but not always, count. To take an example, if your mom graduated from Harvard College, you'd be considered a Harvard legacy. However, if your uncle graduated from Harvard Law School, you would not be considered a Harvard legacy.Basically,if one or both of your parents graduated from a school, you would be considered a legacy there. Note, though, that undergraduate admissions offices will be most interested if your parents went there for their undergraduate degrees. If your parents instead got professional degrees andnottheir undergraduate degreesfrom the school, it's less likely you'd be counted as a legacy during the undergraduate admissions process. Legacy status is valued by colleges mainly for economic and community-building reasons. The belief is that when schools admit children of alumni, those alumni will be more likely to stay involved with the school (such as by going to reunions, serving on committees, etc.) and donate money to it. Many schoolsalso believe that legacies will be very active alumni due to their family connection with the school. In short, colleges believe that admitting legacies is a way to not only keep alumni involved but also to ensure a new generation of active alumni. How Much Does Legacy Status Matter? Even though there are many perceived benefits to admitting legacies, legacies aren't even close to a majority of the student body at top schools. Furthermore, being a legacy is far from being a guarantor of admission at a top school. In most cases, being a legacy not going to magically transform a candidate’s chances of admission. If a student's standardized test scores and GPA are below a school’s averages and the student has no meaningful extracurricular involvement, being a legacy won’t guarantee admission. As a Harvard admissions officer once said, "Legacy can cure the sick, but it can’t raise the dead." Being a legacy is often referred to as a push, plus, or tie-breaker. If a candidate is on the bubble, being a legacy could tip him or her over the edge. In fact, here's what Harvard says about legacieson its admissions website: "Among a group of similarly distinguished applicants, the daughters and sons of Harvard College alumni/ae may receive an additionallook." In other words, being a legacy could be a tipping factor in admissions. That said,it’s still far from a guarantee of admission and won’t get an otherwise unimpressive candidate into a school. But this varies by school. Some schools value legacies more than others do, or give them more weight at different points in the admissions process. We’ll explore some of this variation soon. Examples of College Legacy Policies: Harvard, Penn, and MIT In this section, we’ll go over three examples of top schools to explore in what ways legacy status can (and won't) affect your admission chances. The schools we'll be looking at are as follows: Harvard University of Pennsylvania MIT We chose these examples because they reveal some of the sharp differences that can exist when it comes to legacy policies at top schools. Harvard College: "An Additional Look" Harvard is a school that values legacies, at least to a degree. As we mentioned above, Harvard says in their FAQ that the sons and daughters of Harvard alumni will get "an additional look" if the admissions committee can't decide between otherwise comparable candidates. But how much does this "extra look" matter? According to a class of 2021 survey, 17.5% of students at Harvard have at least one parent who is an alumnus. And according to a 2011 article in TheHarvard Crimson, legacies are admitted at a rate of 30%. Given that Harvard’s acceptance rate hovers just below 6%, this seems like more than just an "additional look"- it's actually a pretty big advantage! That said, children of Harvard alumni are more likely to have grown up with more money, gone to better schools, and received superior college counseling,meaning that their legacy status more likely inadvertently caused them to get in rather than acting as the deciding factor. This also helps to explain the huge disparity between the 30% admit rate for legacies and the 6% overall admit rate. All in all, if you’re a Harvard legacy, expect this "additional look" to be a factor in your favor if, based on your stats, you'd already be competitive at Harvard. Penn: Legacy Matters, but Matters More When You Apply Early The University of Pennsylvania notes on its admissions website, "An applicant’s affiliation with Penn, either by being children or grandchildren of alumni, is given the most consideration through Early Decision." We get two pieces of information here. First, at Penn, having a grandparent who is an alum will grant you legacy status, where Harvard seems to only care if your parents went there. But also, if you’re a legacy, you’ll get the biggest boost if you apply early (note that at Penn, early admission is binding). Legacies get a pretty significant admission boost at Penn. According to an article published in their alumni magazine, legacies get into Penn at a rate higher than 40%. That’s four times the overall admission rate of 10%! (For the class of 2021, 16% are legacies.) Furthermore, alumni get additional admissions resources. Here's what the article above says about this: "Other admissions resources for alumni include monthly 'First Friday Drop-In Hours,' which are information sessions especially for alumni, faculty, and staff and their children held on campus, and the 'Inside Penn Admissions' page," Even though legacies are particularly favored during early decision at Penn, between the additional resources for alumni and that high admit rate, being a legacy seems to be a significant plus. MIT: "We Don't Do Legacy" In contrast to Harvard and Penn, being a legacy will not help you a bit at MIT. This makes MIT unusual among other top schools, as explained in post by MIT Admissions that sharply criticizes legacy admissions: "It is, indeed, unusual for a school like MIT to have no preference for legacies.But one of the things that makes MIT special is the fact that it is meritocratic to its cultural core.* In fact, I think if we tried to move towards legacy admissions we might face an alumni revolt. There is only one way into (and out of) MIT, and that's the hard way. The people here value that." *Emphasis mine MIT prides itself on being as meritocratic as possible, so they don’t consider the legacy status of students applying.Even if both your parents graduated from MIT, it won’t help you get in! This makes for a more level playing field for students who apply to MIT, even though it’s still a very tough field to play on! Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. The Top 25: Which Colleges Care About Legacy? We’ve seen some pretty different policies regarding legacy admissions at three top schools. So out of the top 25 schools (according toUS News), which ones place value on legacy students? As it turns out, most of them do. Only a small handful of top schools (including MIT) don’t value legacies. Get a complete breakdown of the top 25 below. Colleges That Value Legacies These are the colleges in the top 25 that grant at least some favoritism to legacies during the admissions process. This varies from just taking the information into account as part of a holistic application review to specifically reaching out to alumni families and providing them with additional resources. Brown Here's what a 2014 article in theBrown Daily Herald says about legacy: "Having a parent who attended Brown comes into play when applicants 'are essentially equivalent,' in which case admission officers 'will tilt toward the candidate whose parents attended the college,' Miller said. Admission officers give 'small'consideration to grandparent legacy status and 'almost no' weight to sibling legacy cases, he added." Again, we see that legacy status is a tilt or push in an applicant's favor. Carnegie Mellon Carnegie Mellon offers special events for legacies and their families, including preferential seating at graduation. Note that Carnegie Mellon uses a rather broad definition of legacies, defining them as "those students who have family members that also graduated from CMU, including parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, and other known relatives"(bold emphasis mine). Columbia Columbia has a legacy policy that's similar to Harvard's: "When an applicant is extremely competitive and compares favorably with other similarly talented candidates, being the daughter or son of a Columbia University graduate (from any Columbia school or college) may be a slight advantage in the admission process." Cornell Here's what theCornell Daily Sunsays about legacies(bold emphasis mine): "According to statistics released by Cornell, 15 percent of Cornell’s entire undergraduate population is comprised of legacy students. This figure is higher than percentages at many of Cornell’s Ivy League counterparts." Dartmouth Dartmouth Alumni Magazine says the following about legacies (bold emphasis mine): "We give all legacy applicants at least one additional review in this process. The dramatic increase in selectivity that we’ve experienced makes the admissions process more competitive for everyone, but our legacy applicants are admitted at a rate that’s roughly two-and-a-half times greater than the overall rate of admission. It’s never easy to turn away the children of Dartmouth alumni." Duke Here is what the Duke alumni website says in regard to legacy (bold emphasis mine): "Alumni affiliation by no means ensures admission to Duke. However, the university recognizes that applicants from alumni families possess a meaningful connection to Duke and its traditions. Admissions officers give special consideration to these applicants, including an additional round of review." Emory Here's what Emory has to say about how it values legacies, as written on its alumni website: "The admission staff and Emory Alumni Association (EAA) work closely to document legacy applicants through the admission-review process. During the initial application review, an applicant's legacy status is noted on the review sheet and admission evaluators are instructed to consider the affiliation. In addition, during the committee-review process, there is a separate committee that does an additional review of legacy applicants. Finally, the deans of admission for Emory College and Oxford College closely monitor legacy decisions throughout the entire process. Note that legacies at Emory are those who are the children, grandchildren, and/or siblings of Emory graduates and/or currently enrolled students. Georgetown We called the admissions office and got this information about legacies: "In early action we don't review legacy; during regular decision we will....It's not a huge factor [but] it's something that we will notice as part of an overall holistic review process." In contrast to Penn, which gives most weight to legacies during early decision, if you apply to Georgetown, legacy status will only be considered under regular decision. Furthermore, here's what a 2017 article in Georgetown's newspaper The Hoya reported about legacy: "While the Office of Undergraduate Admissions does not actively recruit legacy students, it does consider family ties to the university when evaluating students of equal academic standing, and gives preference to students with legacy status in those cases." Harvard As discussed above, Harvard will give legacy applicants "an additional look" and admits them at a higher rate than it does non-legacy candidates. Johns Hopkins We spoke to the admissions staff at Johns Hopkins to ask about how legacy status will affect an application. Here was their response: "It doesn't make a difference if you apply early or regular; you need to make sure that you correctly note your legacy status on the application. We'll look at it [but] it's not going to have a lot of weight." Northwestern Here's what was written an email from Northwestern's admissions office: "During the application process we do take into consideration whether a student has a sibling, parent, or grandparent that graduated from Northwestern. However, it is important to note that no admission decision will ever be made solely based on legacy status. In other words, this is just one additional positivepiece of informationthat we look at, but will not be the deciding factor." Notre Dame Here's what an article published in Notre Dame's TheObserversaysabout legacies: "The number of admitted legacy children remains higher than at most elite colleges, Bishop said. Twenty-four percent of this year’s admitted class is a legacy compared to about 12 percent at most top 10 schools, he said, but this is because legacy applicants tend to be very qualified." Princeton Here's what a 2015 article in the Daily Princetonianreports about legacy: "The acceptance rate for alumni children and step-children has wavered without a specific trend between 35 and 42 percent since the Class of 2000, with the Class of 2018 hitting a record low of 30.8 percent, according to the Princeton Profiles." Recall that Princeton's regular admission rate is just 7%, so this "low" of 30.8% is still quite high. Rice Here's what we received in an email from Rice's admissions office: "There is no specific benefit that is implemented across the board for the children of alumni. Often, legacy status is viewed favorably, but that is mainly a function of a student knowing about Rice-specific opportunities and being able to effectively communicate their interest in Rice through the supplement and visits to campus." Stanford Legacies are admitted at three times the rate of other applicants, according to an article in Stanford Magazine. Admission is also dependent on how engaged the alumni have been with the university. University of Chicago Here's what UChicago said on its Tumblr account in regard to legacy: "Legacy status is something that we can consider, but in a holistic admissions process, it is one of many many factors that will be a part of our decision-making process- and would not be something that could overcome an otherwise lackluster application." University of Pennsylvania As we discussed above, Pennfavors legacy applicants and offers extra services to legacy families. University of Southern California We called USC and spoke with an admissions representative who told us the following: "We certainly want to know you have a parent who graduated from USC ... that piece of information would certainly be of interest for us." USC only has a regular decision plan and an earlier deadline for scholarships (December 1). Legacy status will not factor at all into scholarship consideration. In addition, here's whata 2017 article on USC's undergraduate admission blog says about legacy: "Roughly 19 percent of the first-year students joining USC for the 2017-2018 school year are Scions. But, legacy status is, on its own, not going to be the deciding factor in the evaluation of a student’s application. There are many factors that we are considering when making our decisions, and legacy status is just one part of that." University of Virginia The University of Virginia has an admission liaison program set up to help children of alumni navigate the admissions process. This is noteworthy since UVA is a public university, and public universities are much less likely to notice and favor legacy ties. (The University of Michigan favors legacies as well.) Vanderbilt This is what Vanderbilt's FAQ pagehas to say about legacy: "The admissions office has received no mandate from the university administration to grant preference to the children or siblings of Vanderbilt alumni. When a student‘s record closely mirrors those of other students being offered admission, legacy status may be taken into consideration." Similar to Harvard's policy, legacy status could be a tipping factor if the admissions committee can't decide between two or more similar candidates. Washington University in St. Louis We contacted the admissions office at Washington University and received this reply: "We take into account that your family has ties to the university, however, we still evaluate each student on the merits of their own application." Yale Here's what a New York Times article has written about Yale's legacy policy: "'We turn away 80 percent of our legacies, and we feel it every day,' Mr. Brenzel said, adding that he rejected more offspring of the school’s Sterling donors than he accepted this year (Sterling donors are among the most generous contributors to Yale). He argued that legacies scored 20 points higher on the SAT than the rest of the class as a whole." Still, 20% of legacies getting in is still a much higher rate than the average admission rate at Yale, which currently hovers atjust 7%. Colleges That Do NOT Value Legacies These schools offer zero consideration or additional help to children of alumni in the admissions process. Caltech This is what a 2010 articlehad to say about Caltech's policies on legacies: "Throughout its history Caltech has never been interested in reaching out in any special way to alumni children, and according to one estimate, less than 2 percent of its current undergraduate students have a parent who attended the university. This compares with many other elite private colleges and universities where legacy students comprise as much as 10-15 percent of each entering class (at Notre Dame the figure is close to one-quarter)." Additionally, Caltech is often mentioned alongside MIT as a top research schoolwith no legacy preference. MIT As we discussed above, MIT grants no weight to legacy status during application review. UC Berkeley Like both Caltech and MIT,UC Berkeley does not consider legacy statusduring the undergraduate admissions process. UCLA UCLA is similar to Caltech and UC Berkeley in that it abolished legacy favoritism long agoand has no legacy policy currently in place. Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. How to Maximize Your Admissions Chances, Legacy or Not Even though so many top (and mostly private) colleges favor legacies, it's important to remember that legacies are usually only 10-25% of the overall class- typically closer to 10% or 15%. The boost you'd get from being a legacy isn’t any bigger than the one you'd get from having an excellent SAT/ACT score or an intriguing "spike" in your application (which we’ll discuss below). The bottom line is to have the best application possible- legacy or not. With that in mind, here's how to deal with your legacy/non-legacy status when you apply to colleges: If You Are a Legacy †¦ First off, find out what your parents’ alma maters’ policies are regarding legacies. This could affect your admissions strategy. For example, if one of your parents went to Penn, you’re going to have to decide whether you want to take full advantage of your legacy status by applying early decision.Note, however, that applying early decision means you’re committing to go there if admitted (which you have a stronger chance of if you’re a legacy!). This brings me to my second point:don't apply to a school just because you’re a legacy. Colleges are looking for genuine interest in the school. True, you might be naturally interested in your parents’ alma maters since you likely heard a lot about them while growing up. But the final decision rests with you. If you’re only applying because you’re a legacy and don’t indicate your genuine excitement for the school, admissions offices will pick up on that. Furthermore, even if you do get in, you don’t want to end up at a school you’re not super excited about! Finally, remember that even with legacy admission rates between 20%and 50%, this still means many colleges are turning away more than half of legacies who apply.In other words, you’re not getting an automatic pass from admissions officers just by being a legacy. In the end, there is no substitute for a high SAT/ACT score, a strong GPA, and an overall compelling application. If You Are NOT a Legacy †¦ First of all, you can’t do anything to change your legacy or non-legacy status, so I recommend spending approximately zero minutes stressing about it. On a more serious note, though, don't forget that even at schools that favor legacies, legacies are never the majority in an incoming class. Rather, they usually account for between 10% and 25% of the undergraduate population. This means 75-90% of the students in a class are not legacies, so you’re in good company. At the end of the day, admissions officers are looking for top students. And though legacies are desirable, so are students with top scores, great grades, and impressive extracurriculars (a "spike," as we call it around here). Rather than worry about your lack of legacy status, focus on being as competitive as possible. That includes maximizing your SAT/ACT score! Tip the scales in your favor. Also, spend a good deal of time on your"Why this college?" essay. Most schools have spaceon their applications- whether it’s a short response or long essay- for you to explain what exactly it is that draws you to this college. Since you’re not a legacy, you won’t be able to talk about visiting the campus as a child or hearing your parents’ fond memories of the school- but that might be for the better. Make sure you have concrete, specific, and compelling reasons for why you want to go to this particular school, and state them clearly! Ultimately, an essay that discusses how excited you are to explore the computer science department and work with certain professors will likely look a lot better than a legacy’s essay about her fond childhood memories of visiting the main quad. At the end of the day, legacy status is a factor out of your control. That said, your GPA, SAT/ACT score, extracurricular activities, and essays are entirely within your control. So try to focus on those- and on being a strong applicant! Further Reading on College Legacy Legacy admissions is a pretty controversial topic at colleges, and we didn’t want to get embroiled in the debate, which is why we’re not taking a side in regard to whether legacy admissions are a good idea or not. Rather, our aim was tofocus on practical advice for you, given that the system is what it is. If you want to read more about legacy admissions, including how they work, how colleges benefit from them, and whether this system is good or bad, here are some articles to check out. First of all, I suggestlearning more about why some colleges value legacy ties so much. Next, get an in-depth look at the admissions process at Stanford and see how legacies seem to be favored. Also, learn about the other side- what happens when a legacy kid doesn’t get in? Finally, here is a study that found legacy applicants have vastly increased odds of admission. This studyhas been quoted in many op-eds against the practice, including those published inThe New York Times and The Harvard Crimson. What’s Next? Not a legacy? Not a problem. Read about how to make yourself a student that even Harvard and Stanford will fight over. Have you taken the SAT or ACT yet? Learnthe best time in your high school career to take the SAT (ACT version here). Thinking about an SAT/ACT retake? Learn the top nine ACT English strategies you should use as well asthe best methods and strategies for SAT Writing. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Consequences of Divorce for Children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Consequences of Divorce for Children - Essay Example Without touch, even physiological systems will not function properly since the human skin is the first to develop and is the largest and the neediest sense organ (Linn et al., 1997: 29). Children in divorce-wreaked abodes generally lack parental touch due to the distress that the hurt and separation caused both parents, who need time alone and go through a process of grief, especially for one party who felt cheated. Studies of adolescents found a positive correlation between drug abuse and home environments with having little or no touch (Huttmann, 1993:168). Similarly, amidst the fact that a mother's care is critical during infancy, infants need touch and care from their fathers too, and little or lack of it will result to "abnormal" bonding behavior, such as the high amount of incestuous behavior among stepfathers who never had the chance to bond with their stepdaughters as infants (Hamilton,1985: 10). Studies show that when fathers interact with their infants, those infants thrive and grow up securely surrounded by the love of two parents rather than just one. The rate of development of children who frequently stayed with their fathers rather than just their mothers is found to be high (ibid). On the contrary, infants who are seldom touched tend to develop slower and are passive (Linn, et al., 1997: 30). Hence, it is apparent that in homes where the parents decide for divorce, the child is usually deprived of the needed frequent touch from each parent, and since legal laws provide the custody of children to the mother, it is often the father's touch that is missed. Based on this discussion, when the most striking impact of divorce happens at the time when the child is in infancy stage, the parents' lack of attention due to the grief that divorce had caused results in slow physical, social, and even mental development for the child (ibid). Erikson describes children in their early childhood as experiencing a conflict between autonomy vs. shame and doubt. Autonomy develops as the child tries to develop his own will and tries to get what he wants, while shame and doubt are the result if the child chooses his own will and consequently disappoints his mother (Cordes, 1985: 33). However, Erikson clarifies that when the child chooses his own will, he does not disconnect from his mother but rather seeks a separate sense of self in order to relate to her in new ways (Stern, 1985: 10). It may be inferred that children at this stage are learning many things; thus, they become their own person. They are learning how to talk, walk, and go where they want. Piaget posits that children in this stage can understand that divorce is something bad, that somebody must be responsible for this, and the concept of guilt does not enter their minds (Jensen and Mckee, 2003). Hence, during this stage, divorce is not related to guilt. Children m ake judgments from their own viewpoints and cannot easily imagine that there are other judgments other than their own (ibid). Erikson posits that it is important that at this stage of the child, parents are firm but loving so that the child will not grow into a little Hitler if they are too permissive, or will not be deeply hurt if they always say no to everything he wants. If children do not sense that they have a will, then anything

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Smoking or secondhand smoking Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Smoking or secondhand smoking - Research Paper Example This article briefly discusses the merits and demerits of this hypothesis and in the end suggests a method of controlling the rising level of smoking in the United States of America. It shall also briefly touch the history of smoking, the reason why it escalated and why it fell. These previous trends are kept as a focal point in the end when a recommendation for action is presented in the conclusion. Smoking and Its Increasing Prevalence Introduction All over the globe including the U.S.A, there is a rising concern by the medical agencies and public health insitutions in regards to the vice of Smoking. They are calling for Hollywood movies that contain scenes where people are smoking; to be rated as adult or explicit. The concept and reasoning behind this outcry is that enforcing such a rating might end up reducing the number of youth who are exposed to such scenes, within the course of watching a movie, that according to them, is one of the most direct causes for young teens to take up smoking and even that, at an early stage of their lives (Cnossen, 2008). With the help of a scientific consensus conducted by a huge spectrum of professional health organizations that includes the World Health Organization, National Cancer Institute and the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention displayed that the films and movies which contain scenes in which the actors are smoking acts as a catalyst in inciting the young people to smoke and is the consistent finding of a dose response relationship, and like in any concern in regards to the public health which is related to a dose response. The single best alternative in order to deal with such a problem is lowering the dose, that recalls the topic of discussion. There needs to be the ratings of adult content for any movies which have use of tobacco and live smoking on screen in it (Eysenck, 2006). Simon Chapman and Matthew C. Farrelly published an essay in the PLoS Medicine. They made four arguments in opposi tion to the change of rating of movies that have smoking scenes to adult. The first and foremost point they suggest is that those researches or studies that show the link between acceptance of smoking by teenagers at an early age and their exposure to movies or film scenes that have smoking in them are not in any way controlled, which means that they are free from any sort of manipulation of numerous other factors for instance alcohol, violence, recreation drug portrayal, coarse language and of course sexual content and also smoking. The next point they presented states, that any claims in regards to the exposure to smoking in the movies resulting in an increasing in smoking prevalence in youth is crudely reductionist, while at the same time blatantly ignoring the huge exposure to such scenarios of smoking littered elsewhere throughout the society. Thirdly they further state that in regards to the classification of movies to adult rating, it is a futile gesture since the children ca n access more of such material by using the more popular medium, the internet. Lastly they say there is a merit of concern over the assumption that in case any cause is felt rational enough, the state itself needs to implement the control censor on any and all the cultural artifacts for instance movies, arts, books and theatre that are present within its’ jurisdiction (Chapman & Farrelly, 2011). Discussion The beliefs which Matthew & Simon’

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Wife of Bath in The Canterbury tales Essay Example for Free

Wife of Bath in The Canterbury tales Essay Scholarship identifies the personae of the Wife of Bath in The Canterbury tales with various distinctive interpretations including feminist, antifeminist, irreverent, arrogant, ridiculous, and sophisticated. Scholar Rosalyn Rossignol points out that â€Å"‘the good Wife’ has attracted a great deal of critical attention, partly because of the controversy that arises over interpreting her character† (298). The Wife is both emotional and cerebral, a comic figure and a real person. She has been seen as a feminist challenging patriarchy, but she has also been viewed as a satiric and complaisant anti-feminist. How is it possible that she can be seen in such contrasting perspectives? E.T. Donaldson proposes a solution that Chaucer â€Å"discloses a world in which humanity is prevented by its own myopia, the myopia of the describer, from seeing what the dazzlingly attractive externals of life really represent† (935). However, if the Wife is everyman and everywoman, then all of these perspectives can be true. Rather than a singular, marginalized character with limiting aspects, the Wife is a complex and comprehensive blend of Chaucer’s creations, and the center to which all of the other pilgrims and their tales return. Her portrait is more descriptive than any other character portrayed, but it also demonstrates the characteristics uniquely identified with each of the other characters. The prologue to her tale is the longest of any of the other characters. Is she just long-winded and full of prideful arrogance? I suggest that the limited details each of the other characters possess emanates from the comprehensive detail of the Wife’s portrait and prologue which completes a circular exposà ©. I propose that Chaucer’s Wife is not just a Wife, or even a woman; she is an amalgamation of literary possibilities. Her literary knowledge is suspect, but her worldly experience spans a lifetime through which she acquires autonomy. In the introduction to The Wordsworth Chaucer, Editor Larry Benson discusses how Chaucer the poet draws on his own literary experience in creating his tales, and so too does Allisoun of Bath possess the experience that allows her to transcend the limits of definition (11). She is deaf in both ears and therefore cannot hear the hyperbole of dominant male discourse. She does not argue her right to speak, she just speaks. Contrary to acceptable femininity, she is a hypersexual woman, but sex is neither for enjoyment, nor procreation. Finally, Chaucer is not writing as a woman, or as a man attempting to write as a woman or using masculine writing to portray a female, he is writing in a manner that is useful to educate everyone to limitless possibilities. The Wife of Bath then, rather than a singly signified representation based on scholarship perspective, is, in reality, the nexus of the Canterbury Tales. Although like the Wife there are limitless possibilities for proving this argument, it is my plan to defend this thesis through the tropes of status, voice and experience as seen in her portrait, and the prologue to her tale. To prepare the way for the convergence of his themes, where everything and everyone emanate from and return to a central focus in the Wife of Bath, a General Prologue begins the tales with a representation of the biblical creation story in its hierarchical progression. In the opening lines, first there is water and wind, plants, followed by animals, and finally, portraits of the travelers are depicted. It is spring, a time of new beginnings, as well as a time of pilgrimage to give thanks for past favors, and in Chaucer’s fourteenth century world, twenty-nine diverse pilgrims â€Å"with ful devout courage† (22), gather at a public inn to sojourn to Canterbury, site of the holy shrine of the martyred Thomas à   Beckett. Born in Cheapside, London, Be cket’s inclusion in the tales illustrates human diversity, from vacuous impoverishment to reverential saintliness, themes also recurring throughout the tales and demonstrated by the Wife’s portrait and prologue. Twenty-four pilgrims are presented in the portraits which begins with the highest rank, â€Å"a Knyght ther was, and that a worthy man† (43), and ends with the lowliest, â€Å"a gentil Pardoner† (669). According to a popular websites, Alisoun, a name which means â€Å"of nobility†, and â€Å"sacred flame† (1), is also a common Middle English name. The name given by Chaucer to the Wife, it is apparent from the multiplicity of meanings that Alisoun represents both high and low culture, a correlation to the cross-cultural representations of her fellow travelers. Taken together, the pilgrims represent every facet of society, facets seen inclusively as the Wife’s total composition. Each line of her portrait represents an attribute or characteristic illustrated in the portrait of one of the other pilgrims. While some of the travelers mimic one another in style or attribute, no other pilgrim possesses all of the qualities signified in each of the others. That Chaucer the poet repeated his themes over and over is not surprising, but that those themes all converge in the Wife of Bath is significant since it centers privilege in a woman. If the Wife is the Nexus, then Chaucer’s allusion to the creation story points to her as the Eve from whom all women are descended. While Eve is not mentioned in the prologue to the Canterbury tales, she is a pivotal component of the creation story to which Chaucer alludes. Chaucer would have wished to avoid accusations of heresy, a realistic concern in his time period. To have openly equated Eve with the Wife, with specificity of declaration, would have opened him up to, at the very least, severe criticism, which was not what he was interested in. He was interested in opening up the minds of the people by writing alternative realities. However, there are two prominent women in Chaucer’s prologue, why wouldn’t the Prioress be Eve? The Prioress is dainty, prepossessing and high in the social strata. Her portrait appears before the Wife’s portrait in the general prologue. She has beautiful manners and is very sympathetic to even the smallest creature. Additionally, the Prioress is a nun, a woman who swears obedience to authority when she takes her vows. She is not a good prototype for Eve since the Prioress is certainly willing to acquiesce, whereas Eve and the Wife are not. The Wife is strong, bold, does not care what people think of her, she is her own person and like Eve, who was unwilling to accept the dictates of authority and wanted to control her own destiny, the Wife is also in search of control over her life. While Eve is not specifically referenced in Chaucer’s creationism allusion, she is definitely alluded to by virtue of the hierarchical progression of pilgrims that Chaucer introduces to his readers. Adam and Eve occur in natural hierarchical progression in the creation story, from the lowest to the highest, water to man/woman, similar to the Chaucerian hierarchy in which the Wife is introduced to the reader. A compelling testament to the argument of the centrality of her character as binder for the tales is witnessed in the make-up of this very Chaucer class, where approximately sixty percent of the students have chosen to write their term paper on some characteristic aspect of the Wife. No two representations are even similar, and analysis of her character ranges from psychological to pornographical arguments with everything in-between. The very diversity of these contemporary arguments do, however, represent the critical diversity argued over the past seven centuries but existing scholarship fails to recognize her important thematic centrality.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

A Comparison of Dover Beach by Matthew Arnold and Prayer Before Brith b

A Comparison of Dover Beach by Matthew Arnold and Prayer Before Brith by Louis MacNeice 'Dover Beach' by Matthew Arnold, written in 1867, and 'Prayer Before Birth' written in 1951 by Louis MacNeice share many similarities despite being written nearly on hundred years apart from each other. This essay will explore the issues and ideas that both poems share, in addition to drawing attention to some of the key differences. 'Dover Beach' is about the thoughts of a man on his honeymoon, who shares his sentiments about the suffering of the world and that fact that his 'love' is the only thing which is positive about his life. 'Prayer Before Birth' describes the thoughts of an unborn child, making a plea to be kept safe against the dangers of the earth. Both poems refer to, are about, are interested in, and are concerned with criticism of the world, and distressed narrators; while some differences can be observed. For example: The unborn child in 'Prayer Before Birth' is certain of what the world is like, and he knows what might happen to him. Matthew Arnold, on the other hand expresses uncertainty in his poem. Even with slight differences, the predominant themes /preoccupations of the two poems are the same. It is clear that both poets feel disillusioned with life, and consider that there is little in life which is joyful or cause for optimism. Indeed, Matthew Arnold refers to a world which, "Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light, nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain." Louis MacNeice is much more specific in is list of things which bring pain to individuals: the lectures of old men, the strife with bureaucracy, the humilia... ... free thinking of his own. To him, this is a fate worse than death, and he would rather die. What I think, is that the two poems are similar, because they are both evoke depressed feelings coming form the poet. Especially 'Prayer Before Birth', because how can a fetus be so incredibly pessimistic? 'Dover Beach' in my opinion is more poetic and more symbolic, and much more profound; whereas 'Prayer Before Birth' is more superficial and straightforward. I personally preferred 'Dover Beach' because of its vivid imagery, and subtle references to religion. I also feel sorry for Matthew Arnold, because when he wrote that beautiful poem, he was feeling anxiety, and uncertainty. He defiantly was not content whilst writing 'Dover Beach.' On the other hand I believe that Louis MacNeice was being cynical, and narrow minded.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Manpower Issues Essay

The fast food industry is a labor driven sector. It has an extensive requirement of manpower to serve the increasing flow of consumer traffic at the outlets. Skilled labor with fast pace of work is the basic requirement for this job. It is mostly youngsters who are eligible for this job but it can be stressful and at times hazardous. This industry requirement for long hours of duty, on the toe at all times and attentive to the needs of the customer is quite an uphill task. There is no doubt that the emergence and growth of this industry sector has solved the unemployment problem to a great extent. Many youngsters have found a living in this industry but the pay packages earlier were not very attractive. The pay scales have no doubt improved now but the work conditions remain almost the same. The Back Yard Burgers currently employ over 10,000 people throughout their chain of restaurants. Each restaurant employs around 25 employees, of which some are part timers. A company-operated restaurant has a unit supervisor and two co-unit supervisors. Each unit supervisor reports to the district manager. A district manager has about five to eight restaurants in their supervision. Their role constitutes of keeping tabs on all aspects of operations and management of the restaurants in their jurisdiction. Each of these district managers’ report to the Director of Operations. The company endorses strict training and personnel development strategy. All personnel have to go through a personnel-training program on fast friendly and efficient customer service, restaurant cleanliness, and proper management of day-to-day operations. The employees have to go through classroom sessions that brief them about aspects of food safety, sanitation, laws, and regulations related to the food industry and operational aspects of restaurant. The company envisages labor to be a critical factor in the coming years since the opportunities have increased manifolds. The demand for skilled labor is rising and this will lead to higher wages and compensation packages. Managing and retaining quality workforce in this industry will be a little difficult task and the key to effective manpower management is to keep the employees happy and satisfied with their jobs.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Achieving Greatness

Achieving Greatness Greatness is something achieved by going above and beyond the norms of being great. Grandpa, Benjamin Slater, has achieved greatness through his hard work, generosity, and loving personality. Ben was always doing things to help others, including his children, grandchildren, and neighbors. He was the person other people would come to if they ever needed anything. Even if it was to fix a leaking sink, or they needed some advice.Benjamin hard work was shown through his actions at Good-Year Tire and Rubber Company making tires and running dangerous machinery. He worked there most of his life until he retired at the age of 62. He also had some under the table jobs fixing houses, cars, or anything that needed fixed. He had a garden in his back yard, when he would get home from work he would go straight back to his shed and start gardening. He was also on a Tuesday night bowling league every week.Every day Ben would get up early, go to the diner just down the street from his house, and have a cup or two of coffee. He would always bring back cinnamon rolls for his family. While my parents were going through a divorce, my grandpa gave my father a place to stay. He provided for two extra people, and did not make my father pay rent. Ben has shown plenty of generosity to his family and others. He attended church every Sunday at Kansas Avenue united Methodist Church in Topeka, Kansas. He would put a check in the offering every time.Ben's loving personality was shown when he was in the garden, playing with his dog, Duke, or watching his grandchildren. Ben never wanted to see a frown on anyone's face. He would do anything and everything just to see someone smile. He took all of his grandchildren out for ice cream when we were at family events. Ben's loving personality really showed when he was tit his children. The love he had for his children was doubled due to the loss of their mother, his wife Marilyn Slater in 1995.Benjamin took on a very hard role, of loving and taking care of five children. In June of 2005, Benjamin Slater left behind a name that others would be proud of. He showed bravery and strength in the hard times, love and compassion when his family needed it, and kind and generous hands in times of helping. In addition, was willing to do anything just to keep someone happy. In conclusion, Benjamin has achieved greatness through his actions towards his family and others.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Enders Game Essay Example

Enders Game Essay Example Enders Game Essay Enders Game Essay Essay Topic: Enders Game The basic tool for the use of world is the use of words. If you can command the significance of words. you can command the people who must utilize the words. -Philip K. Dick In the fresh Enders Game the writer Orson Scott Card shows us a complete different universe than we are used to. Set into the hereafter. the universe has merely recovered from a desolation foreign war that was won by a good luck of fortune by our soldiers. Although this clip we will strike back. in readying for the approaching Bugger war the universes smartest kids get drafted to fall in the conflict school plan set in infinite to larn combat signifier an early age. One of these childs happened to be Andrew Ender Wiggin. the six twelvemonth old was stripped of his childhood. taken away from his household and sent to conflict school. All his life Ender has utmost force per unit area on him because six twelvemonth old Ender was meant to salvage the universe. Throughout the fresh Orson Scott Card blurs the thin line between visual aspect and world. through the construct of games two different illustrations of this are Enders corsets at Battle School and so once more at Command School. t hroughout both Ender was invariably played and manipulated for the greater good . While at Battle School Ender was objected to isolation. due to the green-eyed monster of the other kids. Ender grew accustomed to the ill will and tried to non allow it trouble oneself him every bit much as he could. In the private survey clip given to the kid soldiers they were free to make what they wished. Not holding many friends and non happening the surveies excessively disputing Ender would play the games on the Battles School’s plan. Ender rapidly became engorged in a function drama game called the Giants Drink. This game was deemed impossible but Ender became obsessed with it and reached degrees no 1 had of all time seen earlier. Ender could non stand to lose at anything so he went to any extreme needed to further him in the game. Ender was to ever retrieve the inside informations of this game. because to finish the degree clip and clip once more Ender had to play maliciously and wickedly. he had to play as a liquidator and a deceiver all the qualities reminding him of his brother. Peter who Ender despised and wished to neer turn into. Subsequently on into the fresh Ender is told to seek for new planets to colonise. While on his mission to happen new planets to populate Ender lurchs upon a works that seemed to experience a small excessively familiar holding an eldritch resemblance to the landscape and construction of the works of his childhood base on balls clip game. The Giants Drink. Merely to detect this planet was created for him as a agency of communicating by the Buggers . He had played here excessively many times as a kid non to cognize this topographic point. But it was non possible. The computing machine in the Battle School could non hold perchance seen this place A game signifier his yesteryear. what he though was mere pulp of pels and artworks turned out to go a world. Orson Scott Card made us believe throughout the novel that The Giants Drink was merely a game. Whereas it was really ever a secret topographic point merely Ender had of all time visited. doing it perfect to utilize as a secret agency of communicating. Orson Scott Card pushed us beyond what we thought was quite undistinguished and made it more or less one of the most of import event to take topographic point in the novel. By non lodging to convention and traveling above and beyond doing us believe more about how what was merely a game turned into world. Furthermore while at Battle School all the solider had to take part in Battles once more each other. These Battles were frequently the high spots of these children’s yearss. when Ender became a commanding officer and got his ain ground forces to develop for these make-believe Battles. He rapidly learned that he was neer traveling to be treated just and that all odd will ever be stacked against him ever seeking to get the better of him. Time and clip once more Ender won the Battles he took portion it. holding a perfect win run. This infuriated many and Ender made many enemies. even the instructors seemed to be against Ender give him multiple conflicts a twenty-four hours and besides giving him two ground forcess as oppositions alternatively of the usual 1. All his life Ender was isolated and treated below the belt so none of this was new to Ender. Whatever state of affairs was thrown at him Ender came out at top because of his intelligence. natural born leading and longing to win. Although these conflicts seemed to be merely a game to rupture apart the kids the accomplishments learned in this game could be the difference between life and decease. one time once more confounding us about what is the semblance in it all. Ender graduated through the Battle School plan faster than anyone and got transferred to the following measure. Command School. The first small piece in Command School was spent in complete isolation. it was more awful than Battle School which Ender idea was non possible one time once more merely being left with the company of the games they offered. After a twelvemonth of complete privacy Ender meet with his wise man. instructor. friend and enemy Mazer Rackmen. the adult male who was responsible for salvaging the human race from the 2nd Bugger invasion. Mazer was the lone individual Ender of all time got a opportunity to be with. Together they went through anything and everything that could perchance be an assistance to Ender when the Buggers onslaught. Mazer got Ender to play the simulator games once more but now in a complete different manner. it was no longer a one adult male game. Ender verses The Computer but now it was Ender Commanding different squadron leaders. The leaders which turned out to be the little group of friends Ender had accumulated over his stay at the Battle School. Together they worked surprisingly. utilizing Enders intelligence and great leading accomplishments. With Enders despair to ever win they ever came out of conflicts winning. he may hold lost his friends in the procedure of going this astonishing leader but he gained their complete esteem and regard. Closer to the terminal of this novel. Mazer gives Ender his concluding scrutiny. being ill of it all Ender merely wanted to stop it every bit shortly as he could. Not into it at all Ender plays half-heartedly in the bigining. when being faced with his challenge Ender steps it up cognizing he was one time once more put for failure. Not desiring the instructors to hold the satisfaction of One Uping Ender he plays in a manner he hates. as a darnel but it seems to once once more be the lone manner to win in these games. After crushing his concluding examiniation Ender finds out all of the simulations he played with his squadron leaders were non games but they were they existent Bugger war which Ender had fought and won without even cognizing what her was making. You made the difficult pick. male child. All or nil. End them or stop is. But heaven knows there was no other manner you could hold making it. Congratulations. You beat them. and it’s all over. Real. Not a game. Enders head was excessively tired to get by with it all. Absent mindedly Ender has annihilated a whole species. doing him a liquidator. Thinking he was playing a game Ender had fought a galactic war. Once once more Orson Scott Card hazes the thin line between your visual aspects and your worlds. What Ender thought was a game was a life or decease state of affairs. If Ender would hold listened to his bosom and lose the last game. he could hold saved an intelligent species. but we neer know our results until our determinations have been played out and it is excessively late to alter our head. Orson Scott Card highlighted the fact that every small thing in someone’s life makes a immense impact. As insignificant as it may look everything has a intent. If Ender had non played these games to win the Buggers could really good be alive and non cognizing their purposes. allowing them unrecorded was excessively large a hazard. All throughout his life Ender had been played with. an object of changeless use and head games. Battle and Command School were no different than Earth in this facet. On Earth Ender was bullied and pull strings into making what he wants by Enders evil older brother Peter. piece at Battle School. Colonel Graff the caput decision maker neer failed to lie to Ender. merely tell him half the truth and to boot pull strings him. When Ender got to his last preparation plan Command School Ender was manipulated and lied to in a manner he could non even get down to conceive of Of class we tricked you into it. That’s the whole point. At the terminal Colonel Graff even admits that all the use. prevarications and ill will towards Ender was a portion of his and Mazer Rackmens program. Ender holding been lied to and convey back to his homicidal side. the portion of him he hated the most. Ender was ferocious and could non bear to look at anyone and went back to his room. Orson Scott Cards showed us that it’s better to non swear anyone. What you think is truly go oning might merely non truly be go oning and that you should ever maintain a cheque on your world verses your semblances. Throughout the fresh Orson Scott Card blurs the thin line between visual aspect and world. through the construct of games . At times it is rather hard to hold on your visual aspects verses your worlds because you get excessively caught up in the small things that you forget to halt and look at the bigger image. Merely if you look at your life from a impersonal position will you be able to state what is truly go oning and what is a fragment of your imaginativeness. Orson Scott Card illustrated this point surprisingly throughout this novel.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Summary of South African Apartheid

A Summary of South African Apartheid Though youve likely heard about South African apartheid doesnt mean you know  its full history or how the system of racial segregation actually worked. Read on to improve your understanding and see how it overlapped  with Jim Crow in the United States. A Quest  For Resources The European presence in South Africa  dates back to the 17th century when the Dutch East India Company established the Cape Colony outpost. Over the next three centuries, Europeans, primarily of British and Dutch origin, would expand their presence in South Africa to pursue the land’s abundance of natural resources such as diamonds and gold. In 1910, whites founded the Union of South Africa, an independent arm of the British Empire that gave the white minority control of the country and disenfranchised blacks. Although South Africa was majority black, the white minority passed a series of land acts that resulted in them occupying 80 to 90 percent of the country’s land. The 1913 Land Act unofficially launched apartheid by requiring the black population to live on reserves. Afrikaner Rule Apartheid officially became a way of life in South Africa in 1948, when  the Afrikaner National Party came into power after heavily promoting the racially stratified system. In Afrikaans, apartheid means â€Å"apartness† or â€Å"separateness.†Ã‚  More than 300 laws led to apartheid’s establishment in South Africa. Under apartheid, South Africans were categorized into four racial groups: Bantu (South African natives), colored (mixed-race), white and Asian (immigrants from the Indian sub-continent.) All South Africans over the age of 16 were required to carry racial identification cards. Members of the same family often were categorized as different racial groups under the apartheid system. Apartheid not only banned interracial marriage but also sexual relations between members of different racial groups, just as miscegenation was banned in the United States. During apartheid, blacks were required to carry passbooks at all times to allow them entry into public spaces reserved for whites. This occurred after the enactment of the Group Areas Act in 1950. During the Sharpeville Massacre  a decade later, nearly 70 blacks were killed and nearly 190 wounded when police opened fire on them for refusing to carry their passbooks. After the massacre, leaders of the African National Congress, which represented the interests of black South Africans, adopted violence as a political strategy. Still, the military arm of the group did not seek to kill, preferring to use violent sabotage as a political weapon. ANC leader Nelson Mandela explained this during the famous 1964 speech he gave after being jailed for two years for inciting a strike. Separate and Unequal Apartheid limited the education the Bantu received. Because apartheid laws reserved skilled jobs for whites exclusively, blacks were trained in schools to perform manual and agricultural labor but not for skilled trades. Fewer than 30 percent of black South Africans had received any kind of formal education whatsoever by 1939. Despite being natives of South Africa, blacks in the country were relegated to 10 Bantu homelands after the passage of the Promotion of Bantu Self-Government Act of 1959. Divide and conquer appeared to be the purpose of the law. By splitting up the black population, the Bantu could not form a single political unit in South Africa and wrest control from the white minority. The land blacks lived on was sold to whites at low costs. From 1961 to 1994, more than 3.5 million people were forcibly removed from their homes and deposited in the Bantustans, where they were plunged into poverty and hopelessness. Mass Violence The South African government made international headlines when authorities killed hundreds of black students peacefully protesting apartheid in 1976. The slaughtering of the students came to be known as the Soweto Youth Uprising. Police killed anti-apartheid activist Stephen Biko in his jail cell in September 1977. Biko’s story was chronicled in the 1987 film â€Å"Cry Freedom,† starring Kevin Kline and Denzel Washington. Apartheid Comes to a Halt The South African economy took a significant hit in 1986 when the United States and Great Britain imposed sanctions on the country because of its practice of apartheid. Three years later F.W. de Klerk became president of South Africa and dismantled many of the laws that allowed apartheid to become the way of life in the country. In 1990, Nelson Mandela was released from prison after serving 27 years of a life sentence. The following year South African dignitaries repealed the remaining apartheid laws and worked to establish a multiracial government. De Klerk and Mandela won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 for their efforts to unify South Africa. That same year, South Africa’s black majority won rule of the country for the first time. In 1994, Mandela became South Africa’s first black president. Sources  Apartheid History Timeline: On Nelson Mandela’s Death, A Look Back At South Africa’s Legacy Of Racism Postcolonial Studies at Emory University Apartheid - Facts and History

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Health Care systems in Rural India Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Health Care systems in Rural India - Case Study Example These Adivasis live in small groups and are mostly on the move, always searching for their livelihood. In this essay I have chosen these people living near the village afore mentioned as a back drop for the essay. These people ear their livelihood by collecting tamarind, mangoes and wood from the forest and sells them in the nearby villages. The women of the community produce hand made crafts and art forms which did not recognition so far (Pushpa Chari: "Voices of the margins", 2009). Many of their children do not go to schools even today and therefore cannot read and write. From several generations these tribes remained secluded often unwanted. They speak in a native language called as "Gondu" (C.Sudhakar Reddy et al, 2008), which the urban population cannot comprehend easily. Healthcare remains an unknown concept to them as both the Men and women of all ages in this tribe chews tobacco or related products, and drink locally made liquor, which is mostly unpurified spirit. The women cook their meals on open fire from wood collected from the forests. Despite the fact that Indian economy is improving at a tremendous rate some parts of this world still lurks in dark regions. These tribal people are still striving for an identity of their own. Communication with these people for the external world is a tough proposition. Because they are always on the move communication of any sort will be very difficult as also is identifying their location. Nomadic culture still prevails in them and is a big constraint in communicating with them. Environmental factors: Environmental factors such as inter group rivalries over women, food and money are resulting as big limiting factors towards communication. These rivalries are a result of their lack of understanding and a poor example of their social behavior Psychosocial factors: Their inability to communicate with outside public except in their native "gondu" is a big limiting factor. Their inability to mix with the common public is restricting their learning opportunity. In fact they are unable to identify their health care needs, social needs, education needs etc due to the above stated psychosocial factors. Their beliefs towards health practices and its impact on their communities These adivasis believe that when people in their families falls sick they prey and make offerings to Neem trees and Banyan trees, according to them these trees are like replicas of goddesses and shower them with their blessings and offer them health. Also in case they need a medicine they will approach witches and other small time practitioners of medicine. Often they lose their lives because these medical practitioner's weird practices. It is indeed hard to believe even to day around 70% of the people of these communities do not have access towards primary healthcare. As a result infant mortality and deaths of pregnant women are common. Barriers influencing health schemes from reaching these communities: Because these people are moving from place to place from time to time, governments and officials are failing to recognize their health care